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Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

The Plains Community Library consists of seven board members who are elected by the qualified voters residing within the library’s district. Board members are elected for four-year terms at the annual meeting held in March. The board members act cooperatively to oversee Library operations, finances, polices, and continuing development of the library.

Current Board of Trustees:

Mark Webb- ChairĀ 
Aracelia Alvarado- Treasurer
Kimberly Amerin – Secretary
Rich Roberts
Karen Winfrey
Allison Nickelson
Carina Temores

Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees include:

  • selecting and hiring a qualified Library Director
  • ensuring that the Library has funds and a budget
  • developing (with the Library Director) written policies, long and short range plans, and wage classifications
  • knowing local, state, and federal laws that pertain to libraries
  • attending monthly board meetings and other events