Board of Trustees
The Plains Community Library consists of seven board members who are elected by the qualified voters residing within the library’s district. Board members are elected for four-year terms at the annual meeting held in March. The board members act cooperatively to oversee Library operations, finances, polices, and continuing development of the library.
Current Board of Trustees:
Mark Webb- ChairĀ
Aracelia Alvarado- Treasurer
Kimberly Amerin – Secretary
Rich Roberts
Karen Winfrey
Allison Nickelson
Carina Temores
Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees include:
- selecting and hiring a qualified Library Director
- ensuring that the Library has funds and a budget
- developing (with the Library Director) written policies, long and short range plans, and wage classifications
- knowing local, state, and federal laws that pertain to libraries
- attending monthly board meetings and other events