At no charge, Kansas residents can use their Kansas eCard to gain access to digital book eLending, and 24/7 access to quality research databases from anywhere. Available to all ages!
Stop in at the Plains Community Library to get your Kansas Library Card today!
Your eCard will expire three years from the date it was issued. To renew, simply go to your nearest library and staff will renew your account.
A brief history on the Kansas Library Card (eCard). The first Kansas Library Cards began circulating in 2002, as a way for Kansas Residents to access certain research tools and other resources, such as eBook lending, available only the Kansas Residents. The Kansas Library Card has many times been confused with other library cards throughout the state. This is not a card that can be used for checking out physical material. In 2013, the decision was made to update the format of the card, to a digital form. You’re accessing digital material, why not have a digital card? It’s the same concept, using less resources and time for Kansas libraries. We’re hope you’re happy with this transition and are always here to answer any questions.